Which Five People Create Your Average?
Which Five People Create Your Average? Who are you spending time with that elevates you? It's widely accepted that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. So, when we want to achieve the best version of ourselves - whether that be emotionally, spiritually, financially, physically, academically or professionally - we must strive to surround ourselves with people who will consciously & unconsciously elevate us in those areas. This reminds me of the Crab in the Bucket story ... One day a man was walking along a beautiful beach when he came upon a fisherman who had a bucket full of crabs. And those crabs were climbing all over each other like they were attempting to reach the top to escape, but the man noticed that the bucket had no lid. He asked the fisherman if he was worried about the crabs escaping &, surprisingly, he said no. The fisherman explained that if there was only one crab it c...