Failure is NOT a dirty word!
There’s no need to fear failure, because failure is evidence of growth & is a stepping stone toward success. “Anyone who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein Are you afraid of failing? Not just afraid of failing at big things, but small things too? Fear of failure shackles us to the version of ourselves that we are at this point in time. Fear of failure limits our growth & development personally & professionally. Fear of failure stops us from strengthening our resilience. Fear of failure keeps us stuck right where we are! Fear of failure stops us from taking risks (calculated & uncalculated), stepping out of our comfort zone, gaining new skills, meeting new people, being exposed to new opportunities, experiencing new adventures, engaging in life fully. Fear of failure puts the brakes on us becoming a fuller, happier, more diverse version of ourselves! So many of us look upon failure as something to be avoided. We think that if we f...