Are You a Buffalo or a Cow?

What is your approach to problems or difficulties when they arise in life?

Are you a Buffalo or a Cow?

This may seem like a weird question but stick with me, it will be worth it! 

How do you react or respond (because they are totally different approaches) to challenges, problems or difficulties that life throws your way? 

Do you approach them like a buffalo or a cow?

Let's start with the cow .. 

So, the herd is grazing contentedly in the paddock when they hear the rumblings of thunder in the distance, with every 'boom' seeming closer & closer. They look up from the lush, green grass they were focused on just a moment ago, to see & feel a storm approaching. What do they do? They have a chat, discuss it amongst themselves & react by turning & running away from the storm as fast  as they can! Avoid,  avoid, avoid .. that's their method of trying to cope with a storm.

And how successful is this for them? Well, cows can't run very fast so the storm catches up with them quite quickly. They get caught within its full ferocity as they're running with it (in it!), becoming exhausted, stressed & panicked. Cows stay 'in' the storm longer than necessary & prolong their pain because they try to outrun it!

So, let's check in on the buffalo .. 

They're enjoying the same lush grass in the same paddock when they hear the same thunder rumbling & look up to see & feel the same storm approaching. But they have a quick chat, discuss it amongst themselves & respond by charging into the storm!

And how does this work out for the buffalo? Because they run directly into the storm, confronting it head on, they minimise its impact, reduce the duration of its effects & enjoy the sunshine on the other side much sooner.

So, are you a buffalo or a cow? And if you're a cow, WHAT IF you could just imagine, how it would be .. to be a buffalo?

What if ... you could just imagine?


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